Unit 1. Mass Media: the Press » Стр.19 (6)

1. A: Newspapers always tell the truth. B: I don’t think so. They present only one point of view on the subject. C: To my mind, some newspapers tell both sides. They invite the readers for the discussion. 2. A: The Internet gives the most up-to-date news В: I can’t agree with you. There is also information both on the past events and on future perspectives of society. C: In my opinion there are not only news but rumors as well. 3. A: There won’t be any newspapers in fifty years. В: You are wrong. Book will always be printed because people have got used to them. С: I think both of you are right up to a point. There will be only a few printed books, but most of the information will be stored in electronic books.

Unit 1. Mass Media: the Press