Впр.15 1. I listen to music almost every day. 2. I do not know who is my favourite composer is as I do not like classical music much. 3. I do not have a favourite pop group. 4. I do not play any musical instrument. I am not good at it. I did not take any musical lessons. 5. I do not have any records because I usually download music from the Internet. It is not expensive at all. 6. I haven’t been to a concert recently. 7. I consider a music fan a good listener of music because he does it almost every free minute he has. 8. — Who performed? — What was the concert like? — What kind of music does the band perform? 9. The concert was really great. There were a lot of people there. It was not only a concert but a real show. Everybody was singing with the group. It lasted for 2 hours which were really wonderful. I would give 9 out of 10 to the performance. It was really great.