Стор.141 Впр.1 a) — c. b) 1 — about being IN; 2 — to the U2 concert; 3 — gave me a few hints; 4 — since then; 5 — for years; 6 — of my own. 1. I don’t care about being IN. 2. I bet you didn’t go to the U2 concert. My piano teacher gave me a few hints. 4. I haven’t been to a concert since then. 5. He’s been my idol for years. 6. I’ve built this word of my own. c) 1 — T; 2 — T; 3 — T; 4 — F; 5 — T; 6 — F. 1. I agree that John doesn’t care about being popular. 2. I don’t agree that he is stubborn. He just has his personal preferences in music. 3. I agree that Linda likes electric guitars and has her hands in the air in concerts. 4. I don’t agree that Linda likes the sounds of the piano. She doesn’t like them. 5. I agree that usually media decide what or who is a «must-see». 6. But I do not agree that they only follow public opinion. Sometimes the media create public opinion.