UNIT 3 » L1 (5)

Complete the sentences with ALWAYS, OFTEN, USUALLY, AIMETIMES, RARELY or NEVER. Make them true for you. 1. I never come to school at 6 o’clock. 2. I rarely talk to somebody about my problems. 3. I never break things at school. 4. I always get upset when other children break things on purpose. 5. I usually read books that are on the reading list. 6. I often borrow books from the school library. 7. I sometimes feel lonely. 8. I sometimes get good marks in maths. 9. I always study for longer than an hour at a time. 10. I rarely have more than 6 periods. 11. I’m sometimes late for school. 12. My parents always work long hours. 13. My teachers аre never unfair. 14. I never get market I don’t deserve.