UNIT 3 » L2 (16)

Look at the definitions of the words on the right. The first letter is missing. Guess the word. Then copy it is the alphabetical list on the left. A. acoustic playlist (you have it on your MP3 player) B. bond guitar (it can be electric, acoustic, lead, rhythm or bass) C. classical band (a group of musicians playing together) D. drums Instruments (there can be string, wind or brass) E. electric records (they were black and made of vinyl) F. folk lyrics (the words of a song) G. guitar acoustic (a kind of guitar) H. harmony guartet (4 people who play together) I. instruments manager (a person who organises tours for singers or bands) J. jazz wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (a famous composer) K. keyboards xylophone (an instrument with a row of wooden bars) L. lyrics yesterday (one of the most famous songs by The Beatles) M. manager violin (a string instrument) N. national drums (they give the beat) O. orchestra National anthem P. playlist U2 (a very popular Irish rock band) Q. quartet harmony (a pleasing combination of musical notes) R. records orchestra (a large group of people who play different instruments together) S. saxophone classical (a kind of music) U. U2 jazz (a style of music of African American origin) V. violin folk music (traditional music) W. Wolfgang saxophone (a brass instrument invented by Adolphe Sax) X. xylophone electric guitar (a kind of a guitar) Y. yesterday zzzzz (it is for sleeping, something you don’t normally do at concerts) Z. zzzz keyboards (musical instruments with keys like a piano or a synthesizer)