Lesson 1. Vital Statistics » 2A-C


2. A. 3. Country of origin. 1. Age. 2. Gender. 6. Occupation. 4. Zodiacal sign. 5. Hobbies. 9. Movie preferences. 10. Favourite books. 8. Choice of music. 7. Pets. B. Can you add any other items to this list? Likes, dislikes, interest, brothers and sisters, favourite places to go, favourite colour, favourite sports activity. C. Answer the questions. 1) While completing your Internet profile, what personal information would you like to change (for example, name, age, date of birth, etc.)? I’d like to change my name to some nickname. 2) What login would you choose? I would choose some short login made of some letters and numbers? 3) Would you use a real photo of yours? Yes, sure. 4) If no, what avatar would you use? I would use the picture of some animal, a cat for instance.

Lesson 1. Vital Statistics