Lesson 1. Vital Statistics » 12

12. Answer the questions. 1) What five words can describe your personality? Honest, kind, determined, positive, outgoing. 2) Is there any quality you don't have but would like to have? I think I should be more tempered, because I always talk the truth to people. Sometimes it hurts them. 3) What, in your opinion, is the worst quality of a person? Explain your answer. I think the worst quality of a person is laziness, because it’s like disease that doesn’t let you live a full life. 4) Do people fall in love with good looks or with a great personality? I think people fall in love with good looks first and then they discover personalities of each other. 5) What is charisma? Do you know any charismatic people? Charisma is the ability to attract, charm and influence the people around you. Yes, I know a lot of such people. 6) How does one person's character affect the personalities of surrounding people? Are you influenced by the people you know? Give an example. One person’s character can give inspiration or destruction to someone’s life. If you are positive person and you bring hope and happiness to other people, they will also become like you are.

Lesson 1. Vital Statistics