Unit 2. SCHOOL IS COOL » Стр.50 (5)

Впр.5 Прочитай та заповни текст словами з таблиці. Stella lives with the Williams family but she also goes to school. It’s not an ordinary school. It is a language school. There are a lot of students from all over the world in this school. They have come to Liverpool to learn English. The school isn’t very big, but it is new. The classrooms are nice and spacious. There are a lot of posters of the UK on the wall. There are also some grammar rules on the pin board. There is a CD player in each class, in some classes there is an interactive board. There is an IT room. There are 10 computers there. Stella hasn’t got as many subjects as Emma. In Stella’s school they have just 4 subjects. These are: Speaking, Writing, Listening Practice, Culture and Literature. Her favourite teacher is Mrs. Davies. She teacher culture and literature. Her lessons are very interesting. She can tell a lot of stories about Britain and its past. She has got a big DVD collection and some pictures of famous sights. Mr. Holmes is also OK. He helps them with Speaking Practice. He has got long hair. He has got a dog called Prince who often sits next to him. Mr. Holmes is strict but fair. Stella is very happy in this school because she has got a lot of friends there.