Unit 2. SCHOOL IS COOL » Стр.77 (4)

Впр.4 Поработай у групі та підготуй презентацію будь якого виду спорту. Follow the steps Step 1. Think of some questions. a) Is it a team or individual sport? b) If it is a team sport, how many players play it? c) Which things do you need? d) Why do you like it? What’s it like? Step 2. Give the name of a team or an athlete you like / support. Step 3. Find some interesting information about your sport. Step 4. Make notes on separate sheets of paper. Step 5. Make illustrations or magazine cut-outs. Step 6. Present your sport in front of the class. Squash Squash began at Harrow School in the mid-nineteenth century, but has since worked its way into almost every city and district in Britain and throughout Europe. Squash is a team game. Two people play in a small confined space surrounded by high walls with no net to keep them apart. The aim is to get to the point at the centre of the court and to stay there. I like it because it is a fast game. It is one of the fastest games in the world. Squash players hope that the game will make them stronger and fitter, but like many sports, squash can be very dangerous. The most obvious danger is the small ball that shoots through the air extremely fast. Nicol David is currently ranked the number one female squash player in the world.