20. Animals - Extra activities » Стр.119 (4-5)
4. Послухай частину радіо інтерв’ю. Зара розмовляє з Джімом Кларком, керівником, про її та її сімейних тварин. Скільки тварин має Зара? Про яких членів своєї сім'ї вона говорить? five (me personally, I have got a cat and four fish), brother, mum, dad 5. Послухай знову інтерв’ю та дай відповіді на запитання. 1. Which animal(s): is/are three years old? Her cat is three years old. 2. Which animal(s): lives/live in her bedroom? Her fish lives in her bedroom. 3. Which animal(s): was/were a present? Her cat was a present. 4. Which animal(s): is/are better than watching television? The fish is better than watching a television. 5. Which animal(s): is/are white? Her brother's mice is white. 6. Which animal(s): looks/look sad. Her mother's bird looks sad. 7. Which animal(s): lives/live in the fields? Donkeys, sheep, cows live in the fields. 8. Which animal(s): likes / like the sheep now? The dog likes the sheep now.