20. Animals - Extra activities » Стр.117 (4)

4. Прочитай текс знову. Речення правдиві чи ні? Виправ неправильні речення. 1. Alessandro’s dad’s friend wanted help at the beginning of the holidays. False. Alessandro’s mum's friend wanted help at the beginning of the holiday. 2. Parts of the giraffes’ bodies were blue. True 3. There were several animal houses at the safari park. True 4. The monkeys were hungry. False. The monkeys were hungry. 5. There weren’t any snakes in the safari park. False. There were snakes in the safari park. 6. Alessandro was busy with the animals all day. False. Alessandro was busy with the animals in the morning and was with visitors in the afternoon. 7. The crocodiles were very popular with the visitors. True 8. Alessandro was very happy working at the safari park. True

20. Animals - Extra activities