20. Animals - Extra activities » Стр.119-(4)

4. Прочитай розповідь та підкресли усі дієслова. Потім напиши розповідь в минулому часі. Maksym lived with his parents in the city. He didn’t enjoy living in the city. Once a month, Maksym visited his parents' friends in the country. They didn’t live in a village, they lived on a farm by a river. Maksym enjoyed his time there. Maksym talked to his parents. There was a good school near their friends house. He wanted to go to that school and live with parents' friends and to help them on the farm. So Maksym changed schools and helped his parents friends on the farm every day. His parents decided to move to the country, too. Now Maksym, his parents and their friends all live together on the farm.

20. Animals - Extra activities