UNIT 2 » L2 (9-10)

L2 (9-10)

Match the two columns to make sentences. 1. Some students real 2. Some bully 3. Some text 4. Some help 5. Some call 6. Some provoke 7. Some prepare 8. Some buy 5. classmates bad names just to hurt them. 3. messages during classes. 1. magazines during breaks. 2. smaller kids just to show their power. 6. teachers and disrupt classes. 4. students with problems. 8. pizza during breaks. 7. for the next class during 10. What do you think about school? Complete the letter giving your opinion. Dear Pam, What do you think about school? If you ask me school is fun. I think it would be boring without school. Let me explain. My classmates are friendly. My Best Friends is Sasha who is very kind. Generally speaking teachers are nice. I like (ім'я вчительки з географії) who teaches geography. His/Her lessons are interesting. What I like most about school is that we get new knowledge. Bye for now, Sally.