16. Amazing animals - 17. What are you watching? » Стр.70 (2)

For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 – A; 2 – C; 3 – B; 4 – C; 5 – A; 6 – A; Bats are very special animals. They are not birds, but they can fly. Bats often live in trees. They have very thin wings and can fly very quickly. Bats sleep in the day and come out at night. They usually eat insects and can eat thousands of them. One bat can eat about 1,200 insects in one hour. Many people think that bats can’t see, but that isn’t true. Bats can see, but their ears are more important to them than their eyes. Some people are afraid of bats, but bats are not dangerous animals. Bats sometimes fly into people’s houses. When this happens, you should open all the windows. The bat will soon fly out again.

16. Amazing animals - 17. What are you watching?