16. Amazing animals - 17. What are you watching? » Стр.68 (1-3)
Unit 16. Amazing animals. Vocabulary 1. Use the photos to complete the crossword. Down:1 – elephant; 2 – monkey; 4 – rabbit; 7 – chicken; Across: 3 – lion; 4 – rat; 5 – bear; 6 – insect; 8 – duck; 9 – mouse; 2. Complete the word clouds with words in Exercise 1. 1. six legs insect; 2. two legs chicken, duck; 3. can fly duck, insect; 4. big ears elephant, rabbit; 5. popular pets rat, mouse, rabbit; 6. carnivore lion. 3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. There are more insects in the world than any other animal. 2. A duck can fly. 3. A bear is a wild animal. 4. You can find chickens / monkeys on a farm. 5. You can keep a mouse / an elephant as a pet in your house. 6. Rats / Bears live in the city and in the countryside.