16. Buy it! - 17. Different places » Стр.105 (3-1)

Стр.105 (3-1)

Склади речення з іменників з рамочки А та прикметниками з рамочки В чи використай свої власні ідеї. Склади деякі речення правдиві, а деякі ні. Наприклад: I think Edinburgh is more expensive than London. I think Kyiv is more popular than Sydney. SPEAKING 1. В парах, запитай та дай відповіді на запитання. Наприклад: 1. Which places in your country do you want to visit for a family day out? Why? I would like to visit Lviv, because there are a lot of interesting places to see and visit. 2. Which places outside your country do you want to visit to do family activities? Why? I would like to visit Dubai, because I like sea and sun. 3. Are there any places you don’t want to visit? Why? I don’t want to visit Iran.

16. Buy it! - 17. Different places