16. Buy it! - 17. Different places » Стр.98 (1-2)
Life skills. Social Responsibility. Стор.98 1. Прочитай, подумай та дай відповіді на запитання. Обсуди з однокласником. Наприклад: 1. Do you wear all your clothes? Yes, I do. 2. Do you need or want to keep all your clothes? I want to keep clothes I need. 3. Are some of your clothes too small? Yes, only some of them. 4. What do you do with your old clothes? I give it to the people who need it. 2. Напиши три речі, які ти можеш робити зі старим одягом. Наприклад: 1. I can give it to charity organization. 2. I can sell it. 3. I can give it to poor people.