14. Out and about - 15. What shall I wear? » Стр.85-(2-3)

Використай таблицю, щоб скласти речення з because. Порівняй свої речення з партнером. Наприклад: I drink lots of milk because I like it. I always walk to school because we don’t have a car. I often help my teacher because she asks me. I want to be a doctor because I like helping people. 3. Доповни речення з and, but чи or. 1. Do you want to visit the Tower of London or go to Buckingham Palace? We only have time to see one famous place today. 2. I like visiting cities and I try and see all the famous places. 3. I love going out but I don’t have a bike. I use my sister’s. 4. We can go to the cinema or we can go shopping. Which would you like to do? 5. You can ask Sara to come to the park but please don’t ask her brother. He isn’t nice to me. 6. Can you get the Kyiv metro map, please? Oh, and don’t forget to bring your contactless cards. 7. I’ve got your hat but I haven’t got your gloves. Sorry! 8. I can come to your house now or we can meet in the park later. I don’t mind.

14. Out and about - 15. What shall I wear?