14. Out and about - 15. What shall I wear? » Стр.90 (2-4)
Unit 15. What shall I wear? Стор.90 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING 2. Послухай знову та вибери правильні слова щоб доповнити речення. 1. There are some photographers outside the house. 2. Paolo knows how to help Jose. 3. Joelle can find some clean clothes in Paolo’s bedroom. 4. Paolo likes wearing Jose’s clothes. 5. Jose doesn’t like wearing Paolo’s clothes. 4. Подивись на фото 1-3 знову. Що Паоло, Джозі, Роза та Джолі носять? Paola wears jeans, a T-shirt, a jacket and a digital watch; Jose wears trousers, a T-shirt and a digital watch; Joelle wears a skirt and shoes; Rosa wears a shirt and is holding glasses.