12. Working life - 13. Places » Стр.83-(1-3)


GRAMMAR 1. Подивись на картинку. Доповни речення, використовуючи прийменники above, below, inside, near, outside. A. The clock is inside the door. B. The pet fish is outside the house. C. The cat is near the house. D. The dog is above the door. E. The ball is below he window. 2. Подивись на малюнок. Доповни речення з прийменниками з впр.1. 1. Jack’s flat is above the restaurant. 2. Jack is inside his flat. 3. The supermarket is below the cafe. 4. There’s a car outside the supermarket. It’s not in the supermarket! 5. The cafe is above the supermarket. 3. Напиши запитання. Потім запитай та дай відповіді. 1. What is outside the window? – A car is outside the window. 2. What have you got on the wall above your bed? – I have got a picture on the wall above my bed. 3. Is there a cinema near your house? – Yes, there is a cinema near my house. 4. Are there any exercises below near this one? – Yes, there are.

12. Working life - 13. Places