12. Working life - 13. Places » Стр.82 (1-3)

VOCABULARY AND READING 1. Подивись на фото. Що ти бачиш? At the photos I can see a street with nice cafes, a wonderful water park with huge slides, a zoo and a candy shop. 2. Прочитай текст та з’єднай їх з фото. Kate – B, Ruby – C, Arturo – A, Jan – D 3. Прочитай текст та дай відповіді на запитання. 1. Where does Kate live? Kate lives in Odessa, Ukraine. 2. Where is the chocolate factory? The chocolate factory is in Bruges, Belgium. 3. Which animals does Ruby like? Ruby likes giraffes. 4. When does Arturo go to the restaurant? Arturo goes to the restaurant every week. 5. Who wants to work in a factory? Jan wants to work in a factory. 6. Who likes the water? Kate likes the water.

12. Working life - 13. Places