4. My things - 5. What can you do? » Стр.30
Life skills creativity and innovation. Стор.30 1. Прочитай та дай відповідь. Обсуди з партнером. 1. My favourite room is living room. I like to spend time with my family there. It is light and big. 2. My favourite colour is green. 3. The walls are grey in my bedroom. 4. I have got a bed, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, a sofa and many toys in my bedroom. 2. Прочитай назву та подивись на малюнок нижче. Відгадай відповіді. 1. What room is the interview about? - Tristan Deever 2. What is Tristan Deever’s hobby? - A pop star who plays the quitar