4. My things - 5. What can you do? » Стр.29 (1-2)

Стр.29 (1-2)

GRAMMAR 1. Прочитай приклади. Вибери правильні слова щоб доповнити речення. 1. In questions, the pronoun (he, she, we, etc.) is after the words have or has. 2. The word got is not in the short answers. 2. Доповніть речення. 1. A: Has Emma got her bag? B: No, she hasn’t. 2. A: Have Sylvain and Pia got their hats? B: Yes, they have. 3. A: Have I got your phone? B: Yes, you have. 4. A: Have you got your water bottle? B: No, I haven’t. 5. A: Has your bag got my football things in it? B: Yes, it has.

4. My things - 5. What can you do?