UNIT 8. WHERE TO TRAVEL? » Стр.140 (1-2)

Вимовте назви мов. 1. I am from Greece. I speak Greek. 2. Klaus from Germany. He speaks German. 3. Paulo from Portugal. He speaks Portuguese. 4. Ai and Lani from Japan. They speak Japanese. 5. Maria from Spain. She speaks Spanish. 6. We are from Ukraine. We speak Ukrainian. 2. Доповніть речення словами з рамки. 1. South America is a big continent. 2. The Thames is a famous river in England. 3. Sam read an interesting article about Egypt. 4. The Sahara is a big desert. 5. Sasha discovered a new restaurant in our city. 6. This art gallery displays many beautiful paintings. 7. We had a lot of great photos after the tour. 8. Our best choice was to go to Hawaii.