UNIT 8. WHERE TO TRAVEL? » Стр.136 (3)
а) Послухайте, як дівчата розповідають про свої плани на канікули, і дізнайтеся, де вони збираються їх провести. b) Послухайте ще раз і дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. Who is going to the Bournemouth? Lisa, her parents and brother will go to Bournemouth. 2. Who isn’t going to go to the beach? Lisa's brother is not going to the beach. 3. Who will fly to Brazil? Pam will fly to Brazil. 4. Who is going to live in a small house? Lisa's family is going to live in a small house. 5. Who is going to rent a boat and water-ski? Lisa's father will rent a boat and water-ski. 6. Who is going to travel around a country? Pam is going to travel around the country. 7. Who is going to hang around with his friends? Lisa's brother is going to hang out with friends. 8. Who won’t stay in a hotel? Lisa's family will not be staying in a hotel.