UNIT 6. LET’S HAVE FUN! » Стр.104 (5)

Послухайте, що Майк, Кеті, Лінда і Піт розповісти про свої захоплення та відповідай на запитання. 1. Who has got the same hobby? Cathy and Pete are doing karate. Mike and Pete love computer games. 2. Who is the member of a karate club? Pete is a member of a karate club. 3. Who has got a big piano in his/her room? Linda has a big piano in her room. 4. Whose favourite colour is blue? Linda's favorite color is blue. 5. Who spends 3 hours a day in front of his/her computer? Mike is in front of his computer about 3 hours a day. 6. Whose favourite free-time activity is skateboarding? Pete's favourite free-time activity is skateboarding. 7. Who is good at dancing? Cathy is good at dancing. 8. Who are both interested in sports? Mike and Pete are both interested in sports.