UNIT 6. LET’S HAVE FUN! » Стр.98 (5-7)

Виправте ці неправильні речення. The girls are working on a music project. Monica is a member of the basketball team. Most people think Monica can’t do things because she is in a wheelchair. 6. Поговоріть про Моніку. Скажіть якомога більше правдивих речень. Monica is in a wheelchair. She can’t walk or run but she can play basketball. She can sing in the school choir, she can write stories for the school magazine. She can’t go to school alone and at school she can’t do PE. She can only sit and watch. 7. Запишіть 4 правдиві речення про себе. I love to communicate with my friends. I like to play on computer or mobile. I like to travel. I like to ride a scooter.