Варіант 1 » Test 9 (2)

2. Read the text and complete it with the choices (a—g). There are two extra choices you don't need to use. In accordance with the Constitution, the USA federal government is subdivided into three branches. Legislative power (B) is vested in the Congress. It consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives has 435 members and the Senate has 100 senators. Two members of the Senate are elected from each state. The President is the head of the executive branch, (E) who proposes bills to Congress executes federal laws, and is also the commander-in-chief of the US armed forces. The President concludes treaties with the consent of the Senate. The President may veto a bill if the Congress does not cancel it by two thirds of votes. The Vice President, belonging (A) to the same political party as the President, is the chairman of the Senate. The judiciary consists of federal district courts and the Supreme Court, the highest in the system. All federal judges (C) are appointed by the President for a life term. Federal courts are responsible for hearing different cases, conflicts between citizens, etc. The President is elected (G) in nationwide elections every four years as well as the Vice President. The US Constitution is the main law of the nation.

Варіант 1