Відповіді до сторинок № 49 - 71 » 108

Стор.66 Unit 3. Lesson 2. Music is Heard Everywhere 108. Look at the picture to know how music influences our health. Write about it as in the example. Music is not only a way of spending time. It is a great medicine for your health. Music can make you smarter. If you listen to music regularly, it improves your brain. If you don’t feel well, it helps to get better sooner. If you are nervous and tired, music can cure your street. If you listen to some energetic music in the gym, it helps you to train harder. If you listen to some good music, it improves your mood, and cures your heart. And even if you have some pain, music can reduce it.

Відповіді до сторинок № 49 - 71