Відповіді до сторинок № 31 - 48 » 59

Стор.37 Unit 2. Lesson 1. What's Your School Like? 59. Circle the correct variant to complete the text. Will schools in the future be very (1-B) different from schools today? The way I (2-A) see it, a lot of what we do in schools today will disappear. I believe that students will do all their tasks on computers, (3-B) so there will be no more heavy books to carry. They will use laptops instead of books. I (4-B) think there will also be robots to teach and help students. If this happens, there will also be fewer occupations for teachers. I also predict that in the future some students will have videophone screens at home. They will not need to travel to school to have (5-C) lessons. No one really (6-B) knows what the future holds so we need to be optimistic about it and change with the times.

Відповіді до сторинок № 31 - 48