Unit 7. HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE CAPITAL? » Стр.87 (1-3)

Стр.87 (1-3)

Unit 7. Have you been to the capital? 1. Circle the correct word. 1. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. 2. India Gate is located in New Delhi. 3. I love this fascinating sight of the Red Sea! 4. New Delhi is in northern India. 5. I want to visit the Royal Mile one day. 6. They designed these gardens a long time ago. 2. a) Match the places with the capital cities. 1–e; 2–f; 3–g; 4–d; 5–b; 6–h; 7–a; 8–с; 3. Write a short paragraph about Kyiv. Include: Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is situated in the centre of Ukraine. There are a lot of different sights there. You can see there Golden Gate, St. Sophias Cathedral, Mariinskiy Palace and many others. You can go for a walk there, visit different entertaining centres or go for excursions. It is a nice place and there much to do.