Unit 6. BIGGER! STRONGER! » Стр.82 (3)
Correct the sentences. 1. Football and fencing are outdoor games. – Football and skating are outdoor games. 2. There are nine players in a football team. – There are eleven players in a football team. 3. Volleyball is the game for two teams of five players. – Basketball is the game for two teams of five players. 4. Volleyball players can only hit the ball with their heads or arms. – Basketball players can only hit the ball with their heads or arms. 5. Football players can touch the ball with their hands. – Football players can not touch the ball with their hands. 6. The goalkeeper is the only person in a team who can dribble the ball or touch it with their hands. – The goalkeeper is the only person in a team who can touch the ball with their hands. 7. You need a ball and a track to play football or volleyball. – You need a ball and a field to play football or volleyball.