15. Mysteries in nature - 17. What are you watchin » Стр.101 (2)

Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. 1. Do you have any competitions in your school or your town? – What are they? – Yes, we do. It is football competition. 2. Can you name any winners or runners-up from talent shows? – Yes, it is Grohotsky. 3. When did you last vote for someone on a talent show? – Last year. 4. What do you think the best prize for a talent show is? – Money is the best prize. 5. Would you like to be in the audience for a talent show? Why? – No, I don’t. I don’t want to be famous. 6. Would you like to be a performer in a talent show? – No, I don’t. 7. Do you usually agree with the judges on a talent show? – No, I don’t. 8. Which stars or famous people started by winning a talent show? – Tina Karol, Koala started by winning a talent show.

15. Mysteries in nature - 17. What are you watchin