3. Great sounds - 5. Moments in history » Стр.20 (5-6)

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 – classical music; 2 – drums; 3 – an opera; 4 – rap; 5 – sopilka; 6 – an electric guitar. 1. You usually need a lot of different instruments for classical music and the pieces of music are often quite long. 2. People sometimes use sticks when they play the drums. 3. There are different singers an opera. It’s a bit like a play with music and singing. 4. In rap, the artists don’t really sing the words; they speak them. 5. You put the sopilka to your mouth to play it. 6. An electric guitar is quite easy to carry around. 6. Listen to Jason and Mia talking about music and musical instruments. Who can play: 1. the saxophone? – Mia; 2. the electric guitar? – Jason; 3. the keyboard? – Jason; 4. the piano? – Mia.

3. Great sounds - 5. Moments in history