3. ADVENTURE » Стр.41 (2-C)

2. C. Talk in pairs. Below are the first and last paragraph of a story. Look at the pictures and use the prompts to tell the main part of the story. Last weekend. Kelly and her cousin Carla decided to go camping in the forest. It was the beginning of summer and it was quite warm and sunny. When they arrived, they put up a tent near the river. Then they decided to explore the area. After a while they got tiered and stopped. They wanted to go back to tent but they couldn’t. They were lost. They were walking in the forest when suddenly heard a strange noise. They thought it was a bear. They were frightened so they started running. Kelly and Clara were walking for hours and finally found road. Luckily there was a car with flat tyre. The driver was trying to fix it. Fortunately, when the driver fixed the flat tyre he took the girls home safely. They were so happy to be back. After their adventure, they didn't want to go camping alone again!