UNIT 1. BACK TO SCHOOL » Стр.20 (2)

a) Read the message and compare your opinion with what Jenny says. Jenny. Якщо ви запитаєте мене, школа в порядку. Напевно, без нього було б нудно. Я б сумував за друзями. Можливо, канікули занадто короткі. А вчителі? Одні хороші, а інші ні. Як і ми, студенти. Мені найбільше подобається міс Поллі. Вона викладає історію. Її уроки завжди цікаві та веселі. b) Answer the questions. 1. What does Jenny think about school? – Jenny thinks that school is Ok. 2. What does she say about holidays? – She says holidays are too short. 3. Who is her favourite teacher? – Miss Polly is her favourite teacher. 4. Why does she like Miss Polly best? – She likes Miss Polly best because her lessons are always interesting and fun. 5. What does she think about teachers? – She thinks that some teachers are good and others are not.