Unit 3. Food and Drinks » Стр.71 (6)

Стор.71 впр.6 Робота в парах. Інсценуйте ситуацію. a) напишіть список запитань про українську традиційну їжу. b) Дайте відповіді на запитання. Guest: What is the most popular Ukrainian dish? You: I think it’s borsh. Guest: What does it consist of? You: It includes over 20 different products. Guest: Which flour products are popular in Ukraine? You: Pumpushky, loaves, dumplings, varenyky, cakes are popular in Ukraine. Guest: Which dishes from meat are popular in Ukraine? You: They are sausage, roast pork, game, poultry. Guest: Which dairy products are popular in Ukraine? You: Ryazhenka and syrnyky are very popular here. Guest: Do Ukrainien people eat vegetables? You: Of course, they do People use them fresh and as a garnish to fatty meat. Guest: Are there spices in Ukrainian cuisine? You: Oh, yes! Ukrainian menu includes many different natural spices: garlic, onion, parsley, red pepper, black pepper, vinegar, mustard. Guest: Thank you for your information. You: Not at all. I’m glad to help you!

Unit 3. Food and Drinks