1. The school year will be over in June. 2. I will be in the sixth form the next year. 3. Yes, I have. 4. I have read such English books like ‘Three Little Pigs’, ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and ‘The Selfish Giant’. 5. I have learnt many grammar rules and many new words. I have learnt how to write letters in English. 6. Yes, I did. 7. I will go to the seaside. 8. I will go there in July. 9. I will swim in the sea, sunbathe and play on the seashore. 10. Yes, I would like. II. I would like to visit Lvov, Odessa and Kaminets-Podilsky. 12. Yes, It has. Our class has an excursion each year before summer. This year we are going to visit Historical Museum and the Museum of Nature in our city.