Unit 8. Holidays and Traditions » Стр.169 (1-2)

1) g — make; 2) d — do; 3) a — make; 4) c — make; 5) h — do; 6) b — make; 7) e — do; 8) f — make. 1. In our family we usually do the dusting and the cleaning before every holiday. 2. We always make the decorations before the New Year party. 3. I like to make postcards for my relatives. 4. My mother usually makes a birthday cake for my birthday party. 5. My granny made a special dish for me yesterday. 6. It is cold. Let’s make some tea. Стор.169 Впр.2 1) c; 2) a; 3) b.

Unit 8. Holidays and Traditions