18. The weather - 20. Animals. » Стр.87 (4)

Writing 1. Read the story. Put the underlined verbs into the past simple. We (1) were on holiday in the Carpathian Mountains. Mum and Dad don't like hotels — that is why we (2) were in a tent. It (3) was a bit cold at night, but we (4) enjoyed staying in the tent. It (5) was Saturday — our last night of the holiday. Everyone in my family (6) was tired, but I (7) didn’t want to go to sleep. I (8) wanted to tell stories. We (9) were in our sleeping bags. Then there (10) was a noise. Everyone (11) listened. There (12) was the noise again! (13) Was it a bear? At that moment my sister (14) walked into the tent. 'Surprise!'

18. The weather - 20. Animals.