2. My family - 3. My home » Стр.13

Grammar 1. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Write Billy’s or Laura’s. 0. Liam is Laura’s son. 1. Liam is Billy's brother. 2. Holly is Billy's sister. 3. Holly is Laura's daughter. 4. Nick is Laura's husband. 5. Nick is Billy's father. 2. Complete the table. 1. I - my; 2. you - your; 3. he - his; 4. she - her; 5. we - our; 6. they - their. 3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 0. I’m Liam and Hotly is my sister. 1. Laura and Nick are our parents. 2. Laura is our I their mum. 3. Nick is our dad. 4. We’re their children. 5. I’m their son. 6. Holly is their daughter. 4. Complete the text with our or their. My name is Luis and this is my sister Mariana. We are from Mexico. This is our family. Our parents are Sandra and Esteban. Sandra is our mum. Esteban is our dad. We’re their children. I’m their son. Mariana is their daughter.

2. My family - 3. My home