18. The weather - 19. A fantastic concert » Стр.115 (2-3)

Прочитай іншу частину статті-абзаци A-E. Дай відповіді на запитання. 1. How do you think Sandy travels when she is working? She travels by bus. 2. What do you think Sandy puts in her bag when she travels? She takes a few clothes and good shoes. 3. З’єднай запитання 1-5 з абзацами A-E в інтерв’ю. 1. Who was you r favourite teacher? B 2. What do you always take with you when you travel? D 3. How do you travel? C 4. What’s the best thing about your job? A 5. How difficult is your job? E

18. The weather - 19. A fantastic concert