Прочитайте та відгадайте пропущені слова. In PE you really have fun because you play different sports. During the class you are not in the classroom but in the gym or in the school playground. You need sneakers and special clothes. In Maths you work with numbers. You do all sorts of mathematical calculations. You add numbers (two plus two is four), subtract numbers (four minus three is one), multiply numbers (two times six is twelve) or divide numbers. But that’s not all. There are many more things you can do with numbers. In IT you learn everything about computers and how to use computers. It is fun because you sometimes play games. But you can also chat with your friends or find many interesting things on the Internet. In Geography you learn about our planet, about other planets and stars. You also learn about rivers, lakes, mountains, continents, countries and cities from all over the world. Of course, you need a map and a globe. In History you learn about the things and people from the past. You can hear fascinating stories about what life was like before. You read about heroes and battles. But you must learn some years, too. In Science you learn about nature: all living creatures on our planet - plants, animals, people. You learn what they eat, where they live, how they grow. You can even do some experiments.