Unit 4. Health and Body Care » Стр.56

Позначте правильний варіант. 1. Luka didn’t do his homework on Wednesday afternoon. 4. There were many kids in the waiting room. 5. Luka didn’t have a high temperature. 8. Luka didn’t have a stomach ache. 9. Luka had a Maths test. 11. Luka’s teacher Mr Southgate was ill. 2. Запишіть протилежності. 1. bad – good 2. healthy — sick 3. empty — full 4. usual — unusual 5. glad — dull 6. unlucky – lucky 3. Складіть речення з довільними словами з впр.2. 1. I’m so glad to meet my friends! 2. The bottle of water was empty. 3. He felt sick, that’s why he stayed at home. 4. The girl had unusual name.

Unit 4. Health and Body Care