Unit 2. My Homeplace » Стр.28

Позначте правильний варіант. 1. – Where is the bus stop? – It is in front of you. 2. – Where is the museum? – It is between the bank and the circus. 3. – Where is the post office? – It is behind the circus. 4. – Where is the bank? – It is opposite the bus stop. 5. – Where is the police station? – It is on the right side of you. 2. Подивіться на малюнок у прикладі 1. Виправити помилки. Не змінюйте слова, виділені жирним шрифтом. 1. The post office is behind the circus. 2. The bus stop is opposite the bank. 3. The bank is next to the museum. 4. The theatre is behind the police station. 5. The museum is between the bank and the circus.

Unit 2. My Homeplace