1. Where are you from? » Стр.7

Закінч розповідати про себе. 1. Name: Taras. 2. Age: I am 9 years old. 3. I'm from: Ukraine. 4. I live in: Dnipro. 5. Family: I have got a mom, dad and an older brother. 6. I like to play computer games and ride a bike. 2. Напишіть листа новому приятелю по переписці. Використовуйте нотатки у вправі 1. Потім представите їх класу. Hi! My name's Taras and I'm 9 years old. I'm from Ukraine. I live in Dnipro. I have got a mom, dad and an older brother. I like to play computer games and ride a bike Please write back soon, Taras.

1. Where are you from?