8. On holiday » Стр.70
1. Прочитай і напиши. and, but 1. My favourite food is cheeseburger and chips. 2. We saw monkeys, but we didn't see lions at the zoo yesterday. 3. The children picked flowers and climbed trees in the forest. 4. We went to the beach, but we didn't swim. 5. John has got a bike, but he hasn't got a car. 6. There's a park and a school next to my house. 2. Напишіть про свої канікули. Намалюйте або приклейте малюнок. Дайте відповіді на запитання, подані в підручнику на с. 101. Потім презентуйте це класу. In July, I went to the sea with my parents. We were on the Black Sea. It was sunny and hot there. We swam in the sea and played on the beach. I took many beautiful photographs and brought many shells. This trip I really liked. У липні я поїхав з батьками на море. Ми були на Чорному морі. Там було сонячно і спекотно. Ми плавали в морі і грали на пляжі. Я зробив багато гарних фотографій і привіз багато черепашок. Ця подорож мені дуже сподобалася.