3. Out and about » Стр.27
1. Подивись і напиши. 1. Is he playing tennis? No, he isn’t. He’s playing volleyball. 2. Are they drinking? No, they aren’t. They're eating. 3. Is she singing? No, she isn’t. She’s dancing. 4. Are they eating? No, they aren’t. They're swimming. 2. Послухайте і прочитайте (1-4). a – 4, b – 2, c – 1, d – 3. 3. Прочитайте і запишіть об’єктні займенники. 1. Alex and Ivan are playing football. Let's play with them. 2. I'm going to the playground. Come with me. 3. Ryan is throwing the ball. Hit it. 4. Jenny and I are playing volleyball. Play with us.