Unit 4. Day By Day » Стр.68 (2-3)

Напиши про свою сім’ю, користуючись попередньою таблицею My father never wears a hat. He sometimes has dinner in a cafe. My father usually drinks coffee. He sometimes goes to the park. He sometimes eats hot dogs. He never plays golf. My mother sometimes wears a hat. She usually drink coffee. My mum sometimes watches cartoons. She never eats hot dogs. My sister usually wears a hot. She never drinks coffee. My sister usually speaks Ukrainian. She never plays golf. 3. Напиши про себе I always get up at seven. But sometimes I get up at half past seven. I usually make my bed. I usually have breakfast at quarter to eight. I never have porridge for my breakfast. I usually help my mum about the house. I never play football, but I usually play volleyball. I never sing, but I always read books. I sometimes go to the park with my friends. I usually ride a bike after school.

Unit 4. Day By Day