UNIT 3. Why go to School? » Стр.26 (1-2)

Стр.26 (1-2)

1. Complete the sentences. I go to school number 83 (номер школи). The teacher who has helped me most is my first teacher. He gave me the ability to be myself and grow into who I am today. 2. Complete the description of a typical British school with the words from the box. Hi Olha, My school is called 'The City Technology College'. The government gives it extra money for things like computers so there are a lot of new ones at the school. But this also means that I have to study a lot of science and technology subjects. At first, I had to take three technology subjects, but as you can drop two of them if you want to, actually now I just take one (Food Technology.) My timetable is typical of a school in England. Today, for example, I have History, English and Physics in the morning. Then lunch at school. As lunch finishes I go to the PSE Room for Personal and social, Education. We have this subject because we need to learn about how to live in society. My last lesson of the day is German.

UNIT 3. Why go to School?